
Article: Bridging the Underwriter and the Applicant
Article: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair - Life Insurance Implications
Download Dr. Cotlar’s Curriculum Vitae (resume)
Articles useful in helping you succeed in getting more cases issued, quicker can be found in my BLOG and “Quick Tips” Newsletters.
Video by David Shenik: “What is Alzheimer’s”.
Simon Sinek’s “TED Talk – Why?” is a fabulous video that clarifies how to present our product or services to others
1. This short YouTube video illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world.
Wish to connect directly? Email at or call 317-536-2603
Dr. Jack Cotlar is the corporate Medical Director of Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Company, Consulting Medical Director of Hannover Life Re and former VP and Medical Director of Aviva Life Insurance Company/Indianapolis Life Insurance Company. He practiced internal medicine for 17 years and is board certified in Insurance Medicine and Internal Medicine. In addition to working with life insurance carriers (direct carriers and a reinsurance carrier), he also works directly the life insurance producer providing expert medical underwriting guidance to the producer and his or her staff. Dr. Cotlar is the founder and President of Strategic Medical Consulting, Inc® through which he serves as the Medical Director of First Financial Resources and TexIns Solutions, LTD. If you wish to discuss your medical underwriting needs directly with Dr. Cotlar, you may email him at or call him directly at 317-536-2603. His resume can be downloaded from the top of this page under the "Resources“ heading.